Could a Trip to France Save your Health?
« Back to Articles - Date Posted: 29/06/2018 3:57pm by John Cummings
France is not known as a particularly health-conscious country. Famously skinny women aside, cigarettes, cheese, Cognac, and the ever-deadly croissants au beurre are all French staples. It simply wouldn’t feel right to visit France without indulging a little, and for that reason you may associate a holiday across the channel with hedonistic living and diet-defying meals.
However, a trip to France can also restore your mind, soul and, yes, even your body. According to a study published by the University of New York at Oswego, an annual vacation can cut your risk of a deadly heart attack by 30%. An increasing number of health gurus and experts are touting the health benefits of a truly relaxing holiday. With an entire planet of tropical paradises and adventures to choose from, you may be wondering: why France? Here are the top six reasons why a trip to France is better for your health than all the rest!
1. It’s nearby
There’s nothing like the jet lag to unravel all the benefits of a restful holiday. If you’ve ever experienced the feeling of returning to work feeling more tired than when you left, you’ll understand why time zone-friendly travel to France is such a great alternative.
2. No flying required
A train journey or leisurely drive to France is far less stressful than spending hours at the airport. Plus, you can travel at your own pace and truly enjoy the scenery.
3. It’s warm and sunny
Head to the south of the country to experience the sunshine and glorious summertime temperatures we so often miss out on in Britain. Studies show that holidays in the sun are more beneficial to our wellbeing than taking time off in darker, cooler climates.
4. There’s a spa for every ailment
We all need a little bit of pampering from time to time, and in no matter where you are in France you’ll find a spa that will help you wash your cares and stresses away. Try visiting Les Thermes Marlins in Brittany for your choice of massages and treatments, or dip in the curative waters of Evian-les-Bains on the Swiss border.
5. It’s affordable
It’s hard to relax when you’re worried about paying resort prices on food and amenities. In France, you’ll be spoiled for choice of soul-restoring delicacies and activities that will truly be worth every penny you spend.
6. It’s easy to bring friends
Studies show that travelling with other people is healthier than going it alone. Given all of the above-mentioned factors, it will be much easier for you to wrangle up your friends for a holiday away in a villa or chateaux than to try and get them all booked on the same Maldivian island, for instance.
There’s no better souvenir to bring back from your holiday than a clear mind and rested body. Truly, a trip to France is just what the doctor ordered.