Five fabulous restaurants to visit in France
« Back to Articles - Date Posted: 06/04/2017 3:20pm by Alison Cummings
France is famous for many things that are renowned across the globe. Great art for one; be that the paintings of Monet, the words of Satre or the films of Truffaut. Paris Fashion Week, the Tour De France and the Cannes Film Festival are internationally renowned events that capture the imagination of the world. But for many, first and foremost France is food. And drink. And more food.
France has a reputation as a world leader when it comes to cuisine. From the humble baguette fresh from the oven and with a pat of good butter melting into it’s soft interior, to the most exquisite seven course meal with fish followed by fowl followed by foie gras, there are few nations who come close. In recent years world class cooking has become a world wide obsession, and almost annually another country – Denmark, Spain, Japan, even England – is trying to plant it’s flag at the summit of the food mountain. But the French maintain a confidence in their cooking that is rightly justified. They have given the world Auguste Escoffier, Pierre Koffman and the Roux brothers among a myriad of others who changed forever the way we eat.
Unsurprisingly given this litany of superb chefs, France remains the most exciting and diverse country there is for the holiday maker who wishes to do some of the very best eating imaginable. The list of restaurants that any self respecting gourmand visit at least once is too long to repeat here, but below are five highlights:
Les Deux Garcons – Aix-en-Provence – Since 1792 this brasserie style restaurant has fed such historic figures as Winston Churchill and Paul Cezanne.
Le Jules Verne – Paris – What could be more Gallic than a restaurant that is in the Eiffel Tower? The fact that this is an Alain Ducasse restaurant means it is no tourist trap, but a place of true gastronomic genius.
Le Cafe De Paris – Monaco – Visit the restaurant where the crepe Suzette was invented. Sit on the terrace, look out over the Place du Casino and just try not to pretend to be James Bond.
Les Crayeres – Champagne – As the location suggests this truly luxurious restaurant has as much to offer in terms of drink as it does in food. Set in a chateau hotel, this is the last word in high class dining.
Brassierie Paul – Rouen – A great choice to not break the bank but still enjoy wonderful local products such as duck pate, fine cheese and farm ciders. Plus if it was good enough for Simone De Beauvoir then it’s good enough for us!